Course content
- Introduction – what is safeguarding? The Victoria Climbié inquiry, Every Child Matters and your responsibilities.
- Recognising the Signs of Abuse – how child abuse is defined, categories of abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect, recognising the signs, child development and vulnerable children.
- Responding to a Disclosure – how a concern may come to your attention, disclosures and how to respond, why children don’t disclose and why adults don’t take action.
- Reporting Your Concerns – how to report a concern and who to report to, what to do if the report isn’t taken seriously or if the concerns are about another professional, when to report and what to report, talking to the child’s parents and what happens next.
- Recording Information – when to record concerns, what to record and record keeping tips.
Who would benefit
This course is suitable for people who are required to undertake regular safeguarding children training as part of their role. It is a requirement for all those working with children and/or their families to have up-to-date knowledge of how to safeguard children and by taking this training course you will fulfil that obligation.
As this course is a refresher, an Introduction to Safeguarding Children course should have been previously completed.
Certification and assessment
There is an online assessment. You will be asked 15 multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 80%. Upon successful completion you will be issued with a downloadable certificate.